Our Fees Policy

Our Fees Policy

  • The CSIROCare Committee of Management is responsible for the financial management of the centre. The Committee aims to keep fees as low as possible whilst ensuring our financial sustainability.


    The Committee reviews fees on an annual basis and allows CSIROCare families to vote on fee increases at the Annual General Meeting of the Association each year.

    Fees from 30th January 2023

    ·         Daily Fee: 


    Day 1

    Day 2

    Day 3

    Day 4

    Day 5

    Rooms 1-3






    Rooms 4-5






    ·         Fee Security Deposit: $250.00

    ·         Late Collection Fee: $25.00 per 10 minutes (or part thereof)

    ·         Late Fee Payment: $15.00

    Daily fee

    Our Daily Fee includes education and care from 7:30am to 6:00pm and includes:

    ·         Breakfast, morning tea, lunch, and afternoon tea

    ·         Sunscreen and a sun hat

    ·         Nappies

    ·         All incursions and excursions

    ·         A 3 and 4-year-old government approved Kindergarten program

    Annual membership fee

    The annual membership fee is charged per family, each year a child/ren is enrolled. This fee is payable in one lump sum in February and is non-refundable.

    Fee security deposit

    A fee security deposit is payable on the acceptance of a place at the centre. This fee is refunded when the family leaves the centre provided all fees are paid and the required four week notice period has been given.

    Late collection fee

    CSIROCare reserves the right to implement a late collection fee when children are collected after 6pm. Parents should plan to arrive at the centre prior to closing time so they are able to leave the centre by 6pm.   Any late fees charged will be added to the next scheduled statement.

    Late fee payment

    CSIROCare reserves the right to implement a late fee payment when fees are not paid on time. Any late fee payment charged will be added to the next schedule statement.



    Fees are charged when children are absent from the centre on their booked day.

    Fees are also charged under the following circumstances:

    ·         An outbreak of an infectious or communicable disease, as determined by the Department of Health

    ·         CSIRO initiates a site closure

    ·         The centre is forced to closed due to an emergency or evacuation situation such as loss of electricity, water, flood, fire, or extensive damage.

    ·         Any other event whereby the service cannot open


    If the centre is forced to close, families will be charged as per below:

    Closure Days

    Fees required

    Day 1

    Full fees

    Days 2 to 5

    50% per day

    Days 6+

    Special General Meeting will be called to decide on the action moving forward


    Fees are not charged when the centre is closed for public holidays, the Monday before Melbourne Cup Day and during the Christmas closure period.


    Payment of fees 

    Fees are payable weekly*. Account statements are emailed to parents/guardians, at the end of each week, outlining fees for the week just finished.

    *To allow for bank processing times, we would expect payments to be received by the following Wednesday

    Fees can be paid via:

    ·         Direct deposit into the centre’s nominated account – details are included on the fee statement.

    ·         Salary sacrifice – CSIRO employees only.

    ·         Direct debit – forms available from the CSIROcare office.


    Unpaid fees

    ·         Outstanding fees are followed up by a copy of the statement showing the outstanding balance.

    ·         If payment is still not received, families are contacted by telephone to discuss the outstanding fees. A payment plan and/or support options may be discussed at this time.

    ·         Continued non-payment of fees may result in the child/ren’s place at the centre being cancelled.  In this case, the parent(s)/guardian(s) will be notified in writing.

    ·         Continued non-payment of fees results in a statement of outstanding fees and a final letter notifying parent(s)/guardian(s) that payment must be made within ten working days or a payment plan entered into and adhered to, or the outstanding debt will be forwarded to an approved debt collection agency. Administration fees from the debt collection agency will be incurred and will be payable by the parent(s)/guardian(s).


    Parent(s)/guardian(s) having trouble paying fees can contact the office to arrange a suitable alternative payment plan. Confidentiality is maintained in relation to the financial/personal circumstances of all families.

    Child Care Subsidy

    Fee assistance is available through the Commonwealth Government for eligible families. Parents/guardians who wish to claim the Child Care Subsidy (CCS) are required to register through the Family Assistance Office who will assess their eligibility. Families who are ineligible for the CCS will be charged full fees.


    Child Care Subsidy (CCS) is paid for each child for up to 42 absences per financial year from all approved child care services, not from each centre. These absence days can be taken for any reason with no evidence required. CCS may also be paid for additional absences beyond the 42 days for certain reasons. There is no limit on these days but supporting documentation will be required. CCS is not paid for absences beyond the 42 absence days for the financial year and if the conditions for additional absences are not met parents will be charged full fees.

    Extended absences (8 weeks or more)

    An enrolment is taken to have ceased for CCS purposes if the child does not attend a session of care for eight continuous weeks. This means that CCS will not be paid for absences after a child last physically      attends a session of care. CCS will be reinstated from the child’s first day of attendance following the      extended absence.


    Casual/Additional Days

    If your child has a part-time booking, they can attend an additional day for those times when you need your child cared for. This is reliant on there being an available place on the day you request. Check the day before if a place is available, and the additional day will be allocated. These additional days are charged at the Daily Fee rate.


    Reduction of permanent days booked

    Parents/guardians are required to provide a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice where they wish to reduce the number of days their child is in care. This notice period must be provided in writing to the office.

    Cancellation of a permanent booking

    Parents/guardians are required to provide a minimum of 4 weeks’ notice where they wish to cancel the full booking and withdraw from care. This notice period must be provided in writing to the office.  


    CCS is not paid for any absences after a child last physically attends a session of care, therefore the child must attend the centre on the last day of the notice period. If the child does not attend, CCS will not be payable for this day or any other absences since the child’s last physical attendance. In this situation, families will be charged full fees for any days not covered by Child Care Subsidy.

    Recommencement of care after Christmas closure

    After our Christmas closure, children resume their normal bookings from the previous year and fees will be charged accordingly. Room and day changes will be timed with the scheduled start of Term 1 for Victorian schools (towards the end of January each year).

    Fee payment agreement

    Parent(s)/guardian(s) automatically agree to this fee policy when accepting a placement at the centre. This is also confirmed by the family at the time of completing the enrolment form.